How NZ Greenshell™ Mussels Are Grown
They start off as microscopic spat and are grown out on ropes in the pristine Marlborough Sounds for up to 2 years. When they are in their best condition they are harvested and shipped as quickly as possible to ensure they are super fresh when they arrive.

Mills Bay Mussel’s farms collaborate with other mussel farms to guarantee a consistent supply, the mussels are then sent to our factory for premium grading.
Mills Bay Mussels are produced under the A+ guidelines and are recognised as Best Choice under the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch.
A+ is a world class sustainable management framework facilitated by Aquaculture NZ which enables the New Zealand aquaculture industry to better engage with their communities and continuously improve their environmental practices while strengthening global demand for NZ seafood.
For more information please click on the logos below.
Nutritional Value & Health Benefits of Mussels
New Zealand Greenshell™ mussels are an absolute powerhouse of nutrition and, with one of the lowest carbon footprints per 100g of all animal proteins studied* they represent one of the world’s most sustainable ‘superfoods’ too. Mussels are highly versatile –not only are they a superfood packed full of nutrients and essential micronutrients, but they’re also absolutely delicious!
High in protein, and an excellent source of iron, Omega-3s, B12, selenium, iodine and niacin, the research into the health benefits of our Greenshell™ mussels keeps getting stronger. They are also low in fat, calories and cholesterol.
Six medium-sized mussels provide approximately 25% of an adult’s daily protein requirement, with protein being necessary for the building and repairing of muscle tissue.
New Zealand mussels are packed with a range of nutrients essential for living a long, healthy, happy life
New Zealand mussels are an important part of a healthy, balanced diet. They can promote: brain development/health, muscle growth, good mental health, healthy thyroid, healthy metabolism, increased energy levels and joint mobility.
Keen to understand more? Deep dive here…
Buy your superfood to have at home
Purchase when you come visit us or shop online here and we’ll deliver them to your door - too easy!